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How CIOs can scale gen AI | McKinsey

The honeymoon phase of generative AI (gen AI) is over. As most organizations are learning, it is relatively easy to build gee-whiz gen AI pilots, but turning them into at-scale capabilities is another story. The difficulty in making that leap goes a long way to...

3 Reasons Why The Promised Gains From A.I. Are Still Faraway

A.I. Hype Is Generating Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Investment. Yet A.I. Is Bad At Math, Hobbled by Inconsistent Data, And Crippled by Siloed Expertise. AI, we are told, is the future. It will transform every aspect of human life, fully justifying the hundreds...

The quantified organization: Grail or Big Brother?

Thanks to the growing mass of data they capture, businesses are in a position to understand how their employees are doing and how they function, and to imp Thanks to the growing mass of data they capture, businesses are in a position to understand how their employees...

Generative AI in organizations – Capgemini

Data and AIGenerative AI in organizationsHarnessing the value of generative AI: Top use cases across industriesDownload the report5 MB pdfDownload the People are excited about generative AI, eager to apply it in many areas of work and life, highlighting a growing...

What can AI do for agriculture?

Farmers are tapping into artificial Intelligence to grow more with fewer resources, but adoption could be slow. By now, you’re likely aware of the buzz surrounding generative artificial intelligence. Many consumers have incorporated this technology into their daily...

Knowledge Graphs improve Gen AI – Capgemini

Knowledge Graphs improve Gen AIValidating results builds trust for organizationsJoakim Nilsson18th July 2024 FacebookTwitterLinkedin Generative AI can In Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a supercomputer called Deep Thought is asked for the answer...

Why Return-to-Office Mandates Aren’t Worth the Risks | Gartner

Over the last 12 months, 63% of HR leaders report an increase in expectations for employees to return to the office. Many organizations who have encouraged onsite work, but see low compliance, are resorting to RTO mandates. But 74% of HR leaders cite these mandates as...

How Capital One is gaining momentum with enterprise AI | VentureBeat

Staying focused on a customer-driven vision while ensuring the latest AI and ML technologies contribute to greater compliance is key. “We always start with our obsession with the end customer and how we can use AI to solve their problem; that is the unifying starting...

Zoom launches Workflow Automation to speed up enterprise work

Whilst Zoom’s legacy is in online video conferencing, with the launch of Workplace - and now Workflow Automation - it is increasingly entering new territory. Zoom has this week announced the launch of Workflow Automation in beta, a new no-code workflow builder that...

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How Could AI Agents Improve The Co-ordination of Work?

In large organisations today, the dominant form of work co-ordination is still old-fashioned ‘manual’ management and meetings, despite the existence of accessible, simple technologies that could solve this problem more effectively. As The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson...

Small is Beautiful: Cats vs Megamind

In Don’t Fear the Coming Trough of AI Disillusionment, in January, I wrote: “I believe what is emerging in enterprise AI has the potential to accelerate the path towards smart organisations that go beyond the limits of the C20th corporation. But first, we will need to...

0.48kWh Should be Enough for Anybody

Exciting and Stupid Google has embarrassed itself once again with hasty roll-out of generative AI features, serving up ‘AI overviews’ for search topics that include glue in Pizza recipes, health suggestions such as ‘eat rocks’ and a whole host of confused, basic...

(Don’t) Hail the Chief!

When a new technology or way of working emerges, the first instinct of many organisations is to appoint a Chief X Officer, which provides the comfort of knowing somebody has ‘got this’ and also that there is ‘one throat to choke’ in terms of accountability. And of...

Centaur service teams and the role of narrow AI in organisations

In deploying AI and automation to upgrade our old organisational systems of work coordination, we should embrace the fact that we are still in the Centaur chess stage, that it might last a while, and that this is probably a good thing. Enterprise AI is built on the...

Designing hybrid human-AI use cases for the enterprise

GPTs: fun, but also useful? Azeem Azhar is doing a great job of documenting and analysing the rapid development of GenAI in his excellent newsletter Exponential View, and last week he shared a discussion with one of the co-authors of the original Transformers paper...

Four Areas of AI Readiness We Need to Improve

We all have high hopes for the impact of AI and smart automation on the enterprise, but without urgent action on organisational readiness, the biggest improvements and productivity gains will likely be out of reach. As Dave Wright and Brian Solis wrote for CIO...