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AI and the Workforce – Knowledge at Wharton | Acast

Listen to AI and the Workforce from Knowledge at Wharton. When implemented effectively, generative artificial intelligence can enhance innovation among employees, relieve them from repetitive tasks, and bolster their communication skills. AI enables employees to...

Preparing for AI – O’Reilly

What you need to learn to partner with generative AI AI is everywhere—we’re in a middle of a technology shift that’s as big (and possibly bigger) than the arrival of the web in the 1990s. Even though ChatGPT appeared almost two years ago, we still feel unprepared: we...

Putting the body back into corporate – by Dr Cristian Ispir

In an age where "corporate" evokes images of towering glass buildings and faceless multinational conglomerates, it's easy to forget that the roots of the word lie in something far more tangible and human: the body. In the medieval period, the idea of a...

Getting Enterprise AI Strategy Right

AI offers considerable benefits across almost every commercial enterprise, from efficiency gains to the potential for brand new products. But it also represents a threat, opening up possibilities for new entrants to disrupt established markets. In business...

How AI Is Transforming The Finance Industry

The financial industry is well known for being data-driven and embracing emerging technology to provide efficiency, cost savings, detect fraudulent activity and keep operations running smoothly. So, it should come as no surprise that the industry is embracing AI as a...

TBM 310: Trees, Journeys, and Loops (and the Functional Model Trap)

After conducting hundreds of North Star workshops, I noticed a pattern. Teams (and functions) are often biased toward the capability view, journey view, or flywheel view, each with its pros and cons. By artfully using all these views—and embracing valuable...

Something New: On OpenAI’s “Strawberry” and Reasoning

Solving hard problems in new ways I have had access to the much-rumored OpenAI “Strawberry” enhanced reasoning system for awhile, and now that it is public, I can finally share some thoughts1. It is amazing, still limited, and, perhaps most importantly, a signal of...

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Recent Briefings

Strawberry (Da)Queries, Machines and Possibilitarianism

Strawberry (da)queries are more sophisticated than single shot prompts The big news in GenAI this weekend was the launch of GPT o1-preview, aka Strawberry, which is capable of limited reasoning and thinking through problems from different angles before trying to solve...

Asking Better Questions

Two very impressive demonstrations of GenAI capabilities have caused a stir in recent days, and they both challenge our assumptions and precepts about the art of the possible. Playing the classic video game DOOM on devices is the new ‘Hello World’ of programming, and...

Visibility and Legibility in the Connected Company

One overlooked benefit of AI and smart technology is its potential to solve the problem of coordinating work and related communications in large, complex organisations. We have studied better alternatives to the cascading hierarchy for decades, and in the hands of...

How Could AI Agents Improve The Co-ordination of Work?

In large organisations today, the dominant form of work co-ordination is still old-fashioned ‘manual’ management and meetings, despite the existence of accessible, simple technologies that could solve this problem more effectively. As The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson...

Small is Beautiful: Cats vs Megamind

In Don’t Fear the Coming Trough of AI Disillusionment, in January, I wrote: “I believe what is emerging in enterprise AI has the potential to accelerate the path towards smart organisations that go beyond the limits of the C20th corporation. But first, we will need to...

How Apple’s late entry could advance multi-agent AI in the enterprise

Enterprise AI Adoption Update Last week saw the publication of an interesting research report from the Asana Work Innovation Lab and Anthropic, which surveyed 5000+ individuals in the UK and USA to assess the current state of AI adoption in the enterprise. The report...

0.48kWh Should be Enough for Anybody

Exciting and Stupid Google has embarrassed itself once again with hasty roll-out of generative AI features, serving up ‘AI overviews’ for search topics that include glue in Pizza recipes, health suggestions such as ‘eat rocks’ and a whole host of confused, basic...

(Don’t) Hail the Chief!

When a new technology or way of working emerges, the first instinct of many organisations is to appoint a Chief X Officer, which provides the comfort of knowing somebody has ‘got this’ and also that there is ‘one throat to choke’ in terms of accountability. And of...